Jesse Perkins
Maple Potato Milk

Maple Potato Milk

I want to preface this story by saying what potato milk is not, because I don’t want you to be disappointed. This potato milk does not behave like a plant milk that is sold in stores - it will not stay homogenized, it will not stir into hot drinks without getting lumpy, and it will not fool your children into thinking they are drinking creamy cow’s milk. This is a four-ingredient plant milk and I think it is the next best thing to cow’s milk.  Milk is special. It is such a nutrient dense, energy intensive, resource intensive substance, that...

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Jesse Perkins
Basic Potato Gnocchi

Basic Potato Gnocchi

In our house we really don’t use recipes, except when baking. And even then, I lean heavily on artistic license. Taking raw ingredients and making it a spontaneous, interactive experience rather than a set of instructions is really important for me. Our ingredients change based on the season and what our neighboring farmers have available. But something that is always on hand, year round, is potatoes. Jesse wrote about how we store potatoes for over eight months until fresh potatoes are harvested - check it out here. I grew up making fresh pasta with my mom, and later spent time...

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Jesse Perkins
Potato Chocolate Chip Cookies

Potato Chocolate Chip Cookies

Some say that potatoes are boring. They’ve even been accused of being lazy. These sound like projections of boring and lazy people onto a really interesting and energetic food. On the other hand, potatoes are used to describe something basic yet sturdy - a real meat and potatoes kind of guy - which I take to mean grounded and practical.  For the sake of the recipe I developed this past week for my family, let's take the brawny man archetype and bake that into a cookie. If a cookie was strong and reliable, who would it be? POTATO CHOCOLATE CHIP...

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Jesse Perkins
oven fries from organic potatoes

Oven French Fries

French fries are something that almost all of us can agree on. We can agree that they are delicious. That they are a treat - so much so that some people think they shouldn’t have too many. In our house, there is almost always a baking sheet of oven fries on the kitchen counter either cooling for our or left over from the previous day.  Since I began this potato-centered life back in 2009, oven fries have been one of my favorite ways to eat our potatoes. Not only because they are so wonderful fresh out of the oven, but...

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